Wednesday 8 November 2017

Pliego De Condiciones De Stock Options

Term Sheet ¿Qué es una Term Sheet? Una hoja de términos es un acuerdo no vinculante que establece los términos y condiciones básicos bajo los cuales se realizará una inversión. Una hoja de términos sirve como una plantilla para desarrollar documentos legales más detallados. Una vez que las partes involucradas lleguen a un acuerdo sobre los detalles establecidos en la hoja de condiciones, se elabora un acuerdo vinculante o contrato que se ajusta a los detalles de la hoja de condiciones. Una hoja de términos establece las bases para asegurar que las partes involucradas en una transacción de negocios de acuerdo en la mayoría de los aspectos principales de la operación, lo que impide la posibilidad de un malentendido y disminuir la probabilidad de disputas innecesarias. También garantiza que no se incurra prematuramente en cargos costosos relacionados con la elaboración de un contrato o contrato vinculante. Las hojas de términos no se consideran legalmente vinculantes y por lo tanto se consideran inaplicables en un sentido legal. A este respecto, una hoja de términos puede parecer similar a una carta de intención cuando la acción es predominantemente unilateral, como en las adquisiciones, o un documento de trabajo que sirva de punto de partida para negociaciones más intensas. Aspectos comunes de las hojas de término Las hojas de término, a veces denominadas memorandos de entendimiento, sirven como resumen de los términos que se discuten o se ofrecen. Esencialmente, todas las hojas de términos contendrán ciertos elementos, como la información relativa a la identificación de las partes involucradas. Se esbozará la información básica que rodea a los activos involucrados, así como un precio de compra inicial, a menudo acompañado de contingencias que puedan constituir un cambio en lo mencionado anteriormente, y la forma de pago que se suministrará. A menudo, hay un período de aceptación, proporcionando un marco de tiempo para una respuesta con respecto a la información establecida en las hojas de términos. Hojas de término en uso Las hojas de término generalmente cubren los aspectos más importantes de un acuerdo sin entrar en todos los detalles menores y contingencia cubiertos por un contrato vinculante. Por ejemplo, una hoja de condiciones de una empresa de capital riesgo que está invirtiendo en una empresa en etapa temprana puede contener detalles tales como el monto de la inversión, el porcentaje solicitado, las disposiciones anti-dilutivas y la valoración. Una hoja de términos también se puede usar como parte de una fusión o intento de adquisición. La hoja de términos normalmente contiene información sobre la oferta inicial de precio de compra y el método de pago preferido, así como sobre qué activos están incluidos en el acuerdo. También puede contener información sobre lo que, si es que algo, está excluido de la transacción o cualquier artículo que pueda ser considerado requerido por una o las dos partes. TERM HOJA PARA PREMIO DE OPCIÓN DE ACUERDO InterDigital, Inc. (la 8220Company8221), por la presente concede al Donatario nombrado Por debajo del número de opciones especificadas a continuación (el 8220Award8221), según los términos y sujeto a las condiciones establecidas en este Folleto de Términos, el Plan especificado a continuación (el 8220Plan8221) y los Términos y Condiciones Estándar El Plan y se proporcionará al Beneficiario, cada uno de ellos enmendado de vez en cuando. Cada opción sujeta a este Premio representa el derecho de adquirir acciones de las Acciones Ordinarias de la Sociedad al precio de ejercicio especificado a continuación, sujeto a las condiciones establecidas en esta Ficha de Términos, el Plan y los Términos y Condiciones Estándar. Este Premio se otorga conforme al Plan y está sujeto y calificado en su totalidad por los Términos y Condiciones Estándar. Los términos en mayúsculas no definidos aquí tienen los significados establecidos en el Plan o en los Términos y Condiciones Estándar. Plan: 160160160160160160160160160160160160160160160160 La Compañía8217s 2009 Stock Plan de Incentivo. Nombre del Beneficiario: 160160160160160160160160 la subvención Número: 160160160160160160160160 Fecha de Adjudicación: 160160160160160160160160160160160160 Fecha de caducidad: 160160160160160160160160 El séptimo aniversario de la Fecha de Adjudicación Número de Opciones: 160160160160160160160160 tipo de opciones: 160160160160160160160160Incentive de Opción de No Calificado de Opciones Precio de Ejercicio: 160160160160160160160160 TÉRMINOS Y CONDICIONES GENERALES PARA PRUEBA DE OPCIÓN DE ACCIÓN ESTÁNDAR Estos Términos y Condiciones Estándares se aplican a cualquier otorgamiento de opciones de compra de acciones otorgadas a empleados de la Compañía bajo el Plan de Incentivos de Acciones 2009 de InterDigital, Inc. (el Plan 8220Plan8221), según enmendado o modificado de vez en cuando, (Según se define a continuación) o una acción del Administrador que se refiera específicamente a estos Términos y Condiciones Estándar. 1. Definiciones. Los términos en mayúsculas no definidos en este documento tendrán los significados establecidos en el Folleto de Términos o el Plan. Tal como se utiliza aquí: (a) 328220 Fracción Aplicable 8221 significa el número de períodos de nómina de la Compañía durante el Período Restringido para el cual el Beneficiario fue empleado por la Compañía dividido por el número total de períodos de nómina de la Compañía durante el Período Restringido. (B) 8220 Causa 8221 tiene el significado establecido en el contrato de empleo de Grantee8217s (existente al momento de la determinación), o, si no existe tal acuerdo o definición, significa: (i) falla voluntaria y repetida del Beneficiario para realizar sustancialmente su O sus deberes (excepto cualquier falla resultante de incapacidad por enfermedad física o mental) (ii) una convicción de Grantee8217s o declaración de culpabilidad o nolo contendere a un delito grave que es material y demostrablemente perjudicial para la Compañía o para una afiliada (Iii) mala conducta intencional o negligencia grave por parte del concesionario en relación con su empleo, (iv) desempeño laboral insatisfactorio o (v) incumplimiento por Grantee8217 de cualquier obligación o deber importante debido a la Compañía oa un afiliado. (C) 8220 Cambio en Control 8221 tiene la definición dada a tal término en el Plan. (D) 8220 Incapacidad 8221 significa: (i) una incapacidad que concede al Beneficiario una incapacidad de larga duración bajo el plan de incapacidad de largo plazo aplicable de la Compañía (o un afiliado si el empleado es empleado por dicha afiliada) o (ii) Que no esté cubierto por dicho plan, una condición o enfermedad física o mental que haga que el Beneficiario no pueda desempeñar sus funciones durante un total de 180 días o más durante cualquier período consecutivo de 12 meses. (E) 328220 Buena Razón 8221 tiene el significado establecido en el acuerdo de empleo de Grantee8217s (existente en el momento de la determinación), o, si no existe tal acuerdo o definición, significa cualquiera de los siguientes eventos que ocurren sin el consentimiento previo por escrito de Grantee8217: (I) cualquier reducción material en el salario base de Grantee8217s (que no sea una reducción proporcional del salario que se aplica a la mayoría de los empleados de la Compañía) (ii) una disminución significativa de los deberes o responsabilidades de Grantee8217s dentro de la Compañía y (iii) Grantee8217s lugar de trabajo principal (u oficina), o la Company8217s lugar principal de operación, por una distancia de más de 50 millas. Sin perjuicio de lo anterior, la Buena Razón solo existirá si el Beneficiario debe haber proporcionado a la Compañía una notificación por escrito dentro de los 90 días de la ocurrencia inicial de cualquiera de los eventos o condiciones precedentes y la Compañía o cualquier sucesor o afiliado no elimine las condiciones que constituyen Good Razón dentro de los 30 días posteriores al recibo de notificación por escrito de tal evento o condición del Beneficiario. La renuncia de Grantee8217s de empleo con la Compañía por Buena Razón debe ocurrir dentro de los 6 meses siguientes a la ocurrencia inicial de uno de los eventos o condiciones anteriores. (F) 8220 Período restringido 8221 significa el período que comienza en la Fecha de Donación y termina en el tercer aniversario de la Fecha de Donación. (G) 328220 Fecha de Vencimiento 8221 tiene la definición dada a dicho término en la Hoja de Términos. 2. Concesión de Opciones. (A) La Compañía ha otorgado al Beneficiario nombrado en el Folleto de Término proporcionado a dicho Beneficiario adjunto (el 8220Term Sheet8221) un laudo (el 8220Award8221) de una opción para comprar una cantidad de acciones comunes de la Compañía especificadas en el Folleto de Términos al El precio de ejercicio por acción de Acciones Comunes especificado en la Hoja de Condiciones, según los términos y sujeto a las condiciones establecidas en la Hoja de Condiciones, estos Términos y Condiciones Estándares y el Plan, cada uno de ellos enmendado de vez en cuando. A los efectos de estos Términos y Condiciones Estándares y del Folleto de Términos, cualquier referencia a la Compañía, a menos que el contexto lo requiera, incluirá una referencia a cualquier Subsidiaria. (B) Si se designa en la Hoja de Condiciones como Opción de Compra de Acciones de Incentivo, la opción sujeta al Premio se considerará una opción de compra de acciones 8222incentiva en el sentido de las Secciones 421 y 422 del Código en su forma actual o posteriormente modificada (8220Incentive Stock Option8221). Sin embargo, en la medida en que la opción sujeta al Premio exceda el límite de 100.000 en la Sección 422 del Código, dicha opción en exceso sujeta al Premio será tratada como una Opción de Acción No Calificada. Además, si por cualquier motivo este Premio (o parte del mismo) no calificará como Opción de Compra de Acciones de Incentivo, entonces, en la medida de tal falta de cualificación, dicha opción sujeta al Premio (o parte del mismo) Opción de compra de acciones otorgada bajo el Plan. Si se designa en la hoja de términos como una opción de compra de acciones no calificada, la opción sujeta al premio no pretende ser una opción de compra de incentivos. En ningún caso la Compañía o cualquiera de sus respectivos empleados o directores tienen responsabilidad alguna con el Beneficiario (o cualquier otra persona) debido a que el Premio no puede calificar por cualquier razón como Opción de Compra de Incentivos. 3. Restricciones al Premio. Sujeto a los términos y condiciones aquí establecidos, en la Ficha de Condiciones y en el Plan, el Beneficiario no podrá vender, transferir, prometer o asignar el Premio o las Acciones sujetas al Premio, excepto por voluntad o por las leyes de descendencia Y distribución, y la opción sujeta al Premio se puede ejercer durante la vida del Grantee8217 sólo por el Donatario. Ninguna transferencia que ocurra como resultado de la muerte de Grantee8217 será efectiva para obligar a la Compañía a menos que el Administrador haya recibido una copia de la voluntad aplicable o cualquier otra evidencia que el Administrador considere necesaria para establecer la validez de la transferencia. 4. Vesting y confiscación. (A) El Premio no será adquirido a partir de la Fecha de la Donación establecida en la Hoja de Término y será inválido a menos que y hasta que se otorgue de otra forma conforme a los términos de la Hoja de Términos y estos Términos y Condiciones Estándar. Después de la Fecha de la Subvención, sujeto a la terminación o aceleración según lo estipulado en estos Términos y Condiciones Estándar, la Hoja de Término y el Plan, el Premio será adquirido según lo descrito en el Cronograma de Vencimiento del Folleto de Términos siempre que el Beneficiario permanezca continuamente empleado por La Compañía a través de cada Fecha de Vencimiento aplicable. (B) El Premio expirará y dejará de ser ejercible en la Fecha de Vencimiento establecida en la Hoja de Término, a menos que el Premio expire más pronto como se establece más adelante o en el Plan. Excepto como se establece a continuación, a la fecha en que el servicio de Grantee8217 como empleado de la Compañía termine por cualquier razón, la parte no adjudicada del Premio será confiscada por el Beneficiario y cancelada y entregada a la Compañía sin pago de ninguna consideración al Beneficiario. La parte adquirida del Premio podrá ejercitarse hasta seis meses después de la terminación del empleo de Grantee8217s por cualquier motivo o sin motivo, momento en el cual el Premio terminará, a menos que exista una de las siguientes circunstancias: (i) El empleo de Grantee8217s termina Debido a Incapacidad, en cuyo caso el Premio expirará el primero de la Fecha de Vencimiento establecida en la Hoja de Término o doce meses después de dicha terminación debido a Incapacidad. (Ii) El empleo de Grantee8217s termina debido a la muerte o la muerte de Grantee8217s ocurre dentro de los tres meses siguientes a la terminación por cualquier razón, en cuyo caso el Premio expirará en la primera de la Fecha de Vencimiento establecida en el Term Sheet o doce meses después de la muerte de Grantee8217s. (Iv) El empleo de Grantee8217 es terminado por la Compañía por Causa, en cuyo caso la totalidad del Premio, sea o no entonces adquirido y ejercitable, será inmediatamente confiscado y cancelado a la fecha de dicha terminación. (V) El empleo de Grantee8217 es terminado por la Compañía sin Causa (y que no sea por causa de la muerte o Discapacidad de Grantee8217s), en cuyo caso una porción prorrateada de la porción entonces no invertida del Premio será adquirida al terminar y la porción adquirida del Premio Permanecerá ejercible hasta el primero de la Fecha de Vencimiento establecida en la Hoja de Término o seis meses después de la terminación del empleo de Grantee8217, momento en el cual el Premio expirará. Dicha porción proporcional se determinará multiplicando el número total de acciones sujetas a este Premio por la Fracción Aplicable. (Vi) El empleo de Grantee8217s es terminado, dentro del año siguiente a un Cambio de Control, ya sea por la Compañía sin Causa (y que no sea por causa de la muerte de Grantee8217s o Discapacidad) o en la renuncia de Grantee8217s por Good Reason, Del Premio se otorgará al terminarse y la porción adquirida del Premio permanecerá ejercida hasta la primera de la Fecha de Vencimiento establecida en la Hoja de Término o seis meses después de la terminación del empleo de Grantee8217s. 32 Para evitar dudas, el presente laudo podrá ser ejercido después de la terminación solamente en cuanto al número de acciones sobre el cual fue adquirido o adquirió la fecha de vencimiento. 5. Ejercicio. Para ejercer la Opción (o cualquier parte de la misma), el Beneficiario entregará a la Compañía un aviso de ejercicio 8221 en la forma y manera especificada por el Administrador, especificando el número de acciones enteras de Acciones Comunes que el Concesionario desea comprar y cómo el Grantee8217s Las acciones de Common Stock deben ser registradas (en el nombre de Grantee8217s solamente o en el Grantee8217s y el Grantee8217s los nombres de cónyuge8217s como propiedad de la comunidad o como inquilinos conjuntos con derecho de supervivencia). La Sociedad no estará obligada a emitir acciones ordinarias hasta que el Beneficiario haya pagado el precio de ejercicio total por ese número de acciones ordinarias. El precio de ejercicio puede ser pagado en Acciones Comunes, efectivo o una combinación de las mismas, incluyendo un compromiso irrevocable por parte de un corredor de pagar sobre dicho monto de una venta de Acciones Común emitible bajo el Premio, la entrega de Acciones Comunes previamente poseídas, la retención de Acciones de Acciones Ordinarias que se entreguen al ejercicio de la Opción, o de cualquier otra manera que permita el Administrador. Las acciones fraccionarias no podrán ejercerse. Las acciones ordinarias se emitirán tan pronto como sea posible después del ejercicio. Sin perjuicio de lo anterior, la Compañía no estará obligada a entregar ninguna acción ordinaria durante cualquier período en que la Compañía determine que la posibilidad de ejercitar el Premio o la entrega de Acciones Ordinarias en este documento violaría cualquier ley federal, estatal u otra aplicable. 6. Retención de Impuestos. Será condición para la obligación de la Compañía de emitir y entregar acciones ordinarias en la liquidación del Premio que el Beneficiario (o la persona a quien los derechos de propiedad hayan podido pasar por voluntad o las leyes de descendencia y distribución) paguen a la Compañía, A su solicitud, la cantidad que pueda ser requerida por la Compañía con el propósito de satisfacer cualquier obligación de retener impuestos federales, estatales o locales u otros impuestos. Si la cantidad requerida no es pagada, la Compañía puede negarse a entregar las acciones ordinarias en la liquidación del Premio hasta que dicha cantidad sea pagada. El Administrador puede, a su discreción, permitir que el Beneficiario (o la persona a quien los derechos de propiedad hayan pasado por voluntad o las leyes de descendencia y distribución) paguen la totalidad o una parte del monto requerido por la Compañía para dicha retención de impuestos, En el momento y de la manera que el Administrador juzgue apropiado, incluso autorizando a la Compañía a retener de las acciones ordinarias que se entregarán al momento del ejercicio o acordando la entrega a la Compañía en o alrededor de la fecha en que dicho impuesto El pasivo es determinable, las acciones ordinarias que tengan un Valor de Mercado Justo en dicha fecha igual al monto de dicha obligación tributaria o una porción especificada de dicha obligación tributaria. 7. Derechos como Accionista. El Beneficiario no tendrá derecho a ningún privilegio de propiedad de las acciones comunes (incluyendo, sin limitación, los derechos de voto) subyacentes al Premio (ya sea o no adquirido) a menos que las Acciones Comunes sean efectivamente entregadas al Beneficiario bajo este Contrato. 8. Avisos. Cualquier notificación a la Compañía será hecha bajo cuidado del Administrador a la oficina del Asesor General, en la oficina principal de la Compañía en Wilmington, Delaware. Se considerará que todas las notificaciones han sido entregadas en mano o por correo, de primera clase pagadas por adelantado y serán irrevocables una vez que se hayan dado. 9. Leyes de Valores. El Administrador podrá, de vez en cuando, imponer condiciones sobre el Premio (o las Acciones subyacentes) que considere necesario o aconsejable para cumplir con las leyes de valores aplicables. 10. Premio No Afectar el Empleo. El otorgamiento otorgado en virtud del presente Contrato no conferirá al Beneficiario ningún derecho de continuar trabajando con la Compañía. (A) La dirección para el Donatario a la cual la notificación, las demandas y otras comunicaciones que se darán o entreguen bajo o en virtud de las disposiciones del presente serán la dirección de Grantee, tal como se refleja en los registros de personal de la Compañía. (B) El Beneficiario autoriza a la Compañía a retener, de acuerdo con la ley aplicable, cualquier compensación que se le pague, los impuestos requeridos para ser retenidos por la ley federal, estatal o local en relación con este Premio. (C) Estos Términos y Condiciones Estándares se aplicarán en beneficio de las partes y sus respectivos herederos, beneficiarios, sucesores y cesionarios, y serán vinculantes para ellas. (D) Además de estos Términos y Condiciones Estándar, el Premio estará sujeto a los términos del Plan y la Hoja de Término, los cuales se incorporan en estos Términos y Condiciones Estándares por esta referencia. En caso de conflicto entre los términos y condiciones de estos Términos y Condiciones Estándar y el Plan, el Plan controla. (E) Cualquier pregunta relacionada con la interpretación de estos Términos y Condiciones Estándar, la Hoja de Condiciones o el Plan, los ajustes que se requieran en virtud del presente Contrato y cualquier controversia que pueda surgir bajo estos Términos y Condiciones Estándares, Ser determinado por el Administrador a su exclusiva y absoluta discreción. Todas las decisiones del Administrador serán finales y vinculantes. (F) En la medida en que la ley federal no lo impida, la validez, ejecución, construcción y efecto de este laudo se regirá por las leyes del Estado Libre Asociado de Pensilvania, sin dar efecto a los principios de conflictos de leyes. (G) Al ejecutar la Hoja de Condiciones, el Beneficiario acepta la entrega de información (incluyendo, sin limitación, la información que se requiere entregar al Beneficiario de conformidad con las leyes de valores aplicables) con respecto a la Compañía y las Subsidiarias, el Plan, Y el Stock común a través del sitio web de la Compañía u otra entrega electrónica. Arreglos Compensatorios de Ciertos Oficiales El 27 de agosto de 2009, Cardinal Health, Inc. (147Cardinal Health148), como accionista único de CareFusion Corporation (147CareFusion148), Entonces una subsidiaria propiedad de Cardinal Health, aprobó el CareFusion Corporation 2009 Plan de Incentivos a Largo Plazo (el 147LTIP148). Como resultado de la aprobación por el accionista único de CareFusion146, el LTIP entró en vigencia a partir del 31 de agosto de 2009. El plazo del LTIP terminará en el primero de los siguientes casos: (i) la fecha en que el LTIP sea terminado de acuerdo con sus términos O (ii) 31 de agosto de 2019. Como resultado de la separación de CareFusion de Cardinal Health con vigencia a partir del 31 de agosto de 2009 (la separación 147CareFusion148), ciertos de Cardinal Health146s nombrados ejecutivos han recibido los premios CareFusion en virtud del LTIP en sustitución o En relación con los ajustes realizados a las opciones de acciones de Cardinal Health y las unidades de acciones restringidas (147RSU148) que tienen los ejecutivos designados. El LTIP permite a CareFusion otorgar opciones de compra de acciones, derechos de apreciación de acciones, premios de acciones, otros premios basados ​​en acciones y premios en efectivo. El número total de acciones comunes de CareFusion146 disponibles para las adjudicaciones bajo el LTIP (sujeto a ciertas provisiones anti-dilución del LTIP) es de 40.000.000 de acciones siempre que no más de 16.000.000 de acciones puedan ser objeto de adjudicaciones emitidas bajo el LTIP de acuerdo con Con los términos del artículo VI del Contrato de Asuntos de Empleados, fechado el 31 de agosto de 2009 por y entre Cardinal Health y CareFusion (el Acuerdo de Asuntos de Empleados148), en sustitución o en relación con los ajustes hechos a las opciones de compra de acciones en circulación, Acciones restringidas y RSUs que fueron otorgadas bajo el Plan de Incentivos a Largo Plazo 2005 de Cardinal Health, Inc., enmendado y actualizado al 5 de noviembre de 2008, y cualquier plan similar patrocinado o asumido por Cardinal Health o cualquiera de sus afiliadas. El LTIP establece que será administrado por el consejo de administración de CareFusion, un comité designado por el consejo de administración de CareFusion o sus respectivos delegados. El LTIP aprobado por Cardinal Health, como accionista único de CareFusion, se presenta como Anexo 99.1 a la Declaración de Registro de CareFusion146s en el Formulario S-8 (Archivo No. 333-161615), presentado a la Securities and Exchange Commission el 28 de agosto de 2009. La descripción anterior del LTIP se califica en su totalidad por referencia al texto completo del LTIP. El 28 de agosto de 2009, el Comité de Recursos Humanos y Compensación del Consejo de Administración de Cardinal Health146 aprobó hojas de términos que establecen los términos ajustados de las opciones de acciones y RSU de Cardinal Health y los términos de las opciones de acciones y RSU de CareFusion emitidas de conformidad con el Acuerdo de Asuntos de Empleados En sustitución o en relación con los ajustes realizados a las opciones de acciones de Cardinal Health ya las RSUs de los ejecutivos nombrados que continúan con Cardinal Health. Los términos de las opciones de acciones de CareFusion y las UAR otorgadas a los ejecutivos designados que continúen con Cardinal Health son los mismos que los términos de los premios de equidad de Cardinal Health a los que se refieren, distintos del número de acciones cubiertas por los premios y el precio de ejercicio de las opciones. Las provisiones para la adquisición y otras provisiones basadas en servicios se relacionan con el servicio de los ejecutivos designados con Cardinal Health y los convenios restrictivos se relacionan con el servicio con Cardinal Health y CareFusion. Las hojas de términos se presentan como Anexos 10.2 y 10.3 a este informe. La descripción anterior de las hojas de términos se califica en su totalidad por referencia al texto completo de dichas hojas de términos. Regulación Divulgación de FD El 1 de septiembre de 2009, Cardinal Health emitió un comunicado de prensa anunciando que había completado la escisión de CareFusion a través de la distribución proporcional de aproximadamente 81 de acciones de acciones ordinarias de CareFusion a los accionistas de Cardinal Health146s. Una copia del comunicado de prensa se incluye como Anexo 99.1 de este informe. Como resultado de la separación de los negocios de productos clínicos y médicos de Cardinal Health, Inc. (147 Cardinal Health 148) a través de una spin-off de esos negocios a los accionistas de Cardinal Health, a partir del 31 de agosto de 2009 (147 Spin - Off 148), otorgados por Cardinal Health o un afiliado a usted (las 147 Opciones de Cardinal Health 148) de acuerdo con los términos de los planes de incentivos de equidad adoptados por Cardinal Health (incluyendo aquellos planes adquiridos o asumidos por Cardinal Health en adquisiciones) (147 Planes Cardinales de Equidad Sanitaria 148) y los convenios de subvención relacionados (los 147 Contratos de Opción Cardinales 148) se están ajustando, a partir del momento efectivo de la Spin-Off, de la siguiente manera: (Cada una de ellas, una Opción 148 Pre-2007 Cardinal 148), (i) el precio de ejercicio y el número de acciones sujetas a dicha opción están siendo ajustados (cada uno de ellos) ) Y (ii) está recibiendo una opción de compra de acciones no calificada para comprar acciones ordinarias de CareFusion Corporation (cada una de las 147 Opciones de CareFusion 148). Con respecto a cada Opción Cardinal Health pendiente inicialmente otorgada a usted después del 26 de septiembre de 2007 (cada una de ellas, una Opción Cardenal 147 Post-2007 148), se están ajustando el precio de ejercicio y el número de acciones sujetas a dicha opción Post-2007 Cardinal Option 148). Con el único propósito de determinar cómo se ajustarán las Opciones de Cardinal Health en relación con la Spin-Off, las referencias a la fecha inicial de otorgamiento de una Opción Cardinal Health se refieren a la fecha en que dicha opción fue inicialmente otorgada de acuerdo con uno de los Cardinal Planes de Equidad de Salud, excepto que la fecha inicial de otorgamiento de una Opción de Salud Cardinal otorgada bajo la Oferta de Intercambio, con fecha 19 de junio de 2009, se considerará la fecha de concesión inicial de la Opción Cardinal Health por la cual fue intercambiada . Opciones Cardinales Pre-2007 Ajustadas y Opciones Cardinales Posteriores a 2007 Ajustadas Excepto por el precio de ejercicio ajustado y el número de acciones sujetas a cada Opción Cardinal Pre-2007 y Opción Cardinal Posterior a 2007, su Opción Cardinal Pre-2007 Ajustada y Post-2007 Ajustado Cardinal Option seguirá siendo regido por (i) sus Cardinal Option Agreements, según enmendado (incluyendo las provisiones en los acuerdos relativos a 147 Conducta de Impulsión / Conducta de Disparo de Competidor148 y 147Reglas Especiales de Confiscación / Reembolso148) y (ii) Que el acuerdo fue emitido, también en su forma enmendada. Por lo tanto, entre otros términos, la medida en que cada Opción Cardinal Pre-2007 Ajustada y Opción Cardinal Post-2007 Postulada se otorguen y puedan ser ejercitables en y después de fechas específicas y la fecha en la que expirarán dichas opciones será la misma que la establecida En sus Acuerdos Cardinales de Opción. El precio de ejercicio ajustado y el número de acciones sujetas a cada Opción Cardinal Pre-2007 Ajustada y Opción Cardinal Posterior a 2007 Corregida se pueden encontrar en el sitio web del administrador del plan de equidad de terceros de Cardinal Health. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que CareFusion Corporation (147 CareFusion 148) y sus afiliados son terceros beneficiarios de todos los derechos que benefician a CareFusion con respecto a sus Opciones Cardinales Pre-2007 Ajustadas y Opciones Cardinales Post-2007 Ajustadas y como resultado CareFusion puede hacer cumplir con fuerza total Y afecta a todos los términos y condiciones que benefician a CareFusion con respecto a dichas opciones. Sus Opciones de CareFusion se otorgan bajo y sujeto a los términos y condiciones del Plan de Incentivos a Largo Plazo 2009 de CareFusion Corporation. También están sujetos a los términos del Contrato de Opción Cardinal para la correspondiente Opción Cardenal Pre-2007 (incluidas las disposiciones relativas a la Conducta de Impulsión / Conducta de Disparo de los Concursantes148 y las Reglas Especiales de Confiscación / Reembolso148) y el Plan Cardenal de Equidad Sanitaria aplicable, Reexpresados ​​en el Apéndice A adjunto a los efectos de su aplicación a sus Opciones de CareFusion y han sido aprobados por los Comités de Recursos Humanos y Compensación de Cardinal Health y CareFusion. Por favor tenga en cuenta que Cardinal Health y sus afiliados son terceros beneficiarios de todos los derechos que benefician a Cardinal Health con respecto a sus Opciones de CareFusion y como resultado Cardinal Health puede hacer cumplir con fuerza y ​​efecto todos los términos y condiciones que benefician a Cardinal Health con respecto a tales Opciones. TÉRMINOS Y CONDICIONES DE LAS OPCIONES DE ACCIÓN NO CONQUISIBLES Estos Términos y Condiciones de la Opción de Compra de Acciones No Cualificadas (los 147Terms148) ajustan y reafirman los términos que se aplican a las Opciones de Cardinal Health (como se definen a continuación) para aplicar dichos términos a las opciones de acciones no calificadas Concedida a CareFusion Corporation (147Company148) bajo el CareFusion Corporation 2009 Plan de Incentivos a Largo Plazo (the 147Plan148) como resultado de la separación de los negocios de productos clínicos y médicos de Cardinal Health, Inc. (147Cardinal Health148) por medio de Una escisión de al menos 80,1 acciones ordinarias en circulación de la Compañía a los accionistas de Cardinal Health, con vigencia a partir del 31 de agosto de 2009 (147Spin-Off148). Estos Términos, junto con los Términos de Opción (como se definen a continuación) y el Plan, regirán las Opciones de CareFusion. Las Opciones de CareFusion son Premios de Reemplazo bajo el Plan. El Número de Acciones148 que están cubiertas por las Opciones de CareFusion y el Precio de Ejercicio por Acción148 de las Opciones de CareFusion constituyen los términos de las opciones (los 147 Términos de Opción148) y se pueden encontrar en el sitio web del administrador del plan de equidad de la Compañía. La medida en que las Opciones de CareFusion se otorguen y se puedan ejercitar en y después de fechas específicas (la (s) Fecha (s) 148), sujeto en cada caso a las disposiciones de estos Términos, Los afiliados (en conjunto, el Grupo Cardinal148) y la fecha en que expirarán las Opciones de CareFusion (la Fecha de Vencimiento de Giro148) son los mismos que los establecidos en (i) Por Cardinal Health o una de sus Afiliadas (las 147 Opciones Cardinales de Salud148) en la fecha de concesión especificada en el acuerdo para dichas Opciones Cardinales de Salud (la Fecha de la Donación 147) o (ii) en el sitio web de la Compañía En el caso de que el Adjudicatario participara en la Oferta de Bolsa de Cardinal Health a partir del 19 de junio de 2009 (cada uno de (i) y (ii), el Contrato de OpciónCardCard148). Los términos en mayúsculas utilizados en estos Términos que no se definen específicamente en este documento tendrán los significados atribuidos a dichos términos en el Plan. 1. Método de Ejercicio y Pago de Precio. (A) Método de Ejercicio. En cualquier momento en que la totalidad o una parte de las Opciones de CareFusion pueda ejercitarse bajo el Plan y estos Términos, parte o la totalidad de la parte de las Opciones de CareFusion se puede ejercitar de vez en cuando mediante notificación por escrito a la Compañía o cualquier otro método Del ejercicio que determine la Sociedad, incluyendo, sin limitación, el ejercicio por medios electrónicos en la página web del administrador del plan de equidad de la Compañía146, que: (i) establecerá el número de Acciones Integrales respecto de las cuales el CareFusion Options are being exercised and (ii) if the CareFusion Options are being exercised by anyone other than Awardee, if not already provided, be accompanied by proof satisfactory to counsel for the Company of the right of such person or persons to exercise the CareFusion Options under the Plan and all Applicable Laws and regulations. (b) Payment of Price . The full exercise price for the portion of the CareFusion Options being exercised shall be paid to the Company as provided below: (ii) by check or wire transfer (denominated in U. S. Dollars) (iii) subject to any conditions or limitations established by the Administrator, other Shares which (A) in the case of Shares acquired from the Company (whether upon the exercise of the CareFusion Options or otherwise), have been owned by the Participant for more than six (6) months on the date of surrender (unless this condition is waived by the Administrator), and (B) have a Fair Market Value on the date of surrender equal to or greater than the aggregate exercise price of the Shares as to which said CareFusion Options shall be exercised (it being agreed that the excess of the Fair Market Value over the aggregate exercise price shall be refunded to Awardee, with any fractional Share being repaid in cash) (iv) consideration received by the Company under a broker-assisted sale and remittance program acceptable to the Administrator or (v) any combination of the foregoing methods of payment. 2. Transferability . The CareFusion Options shall be transferable (I) at Awardee146s death, by Awardee by will or pursuant to the laws of descent and distribution, and (II) by Awardee during Awardee146s lifetime, without payment of consideration, to (a) the spouse, former spouse, parents, stepparents, grandparents, parents-in-law, siblings, siblings-in-law, children, stepchildren, children-in-law, grandchildren, nieces or nephews of Awardee, or any other persons sharing Awardee146s household (other than tenants or employees) (collectively, 147Family Members148), (b) a trust or trusts for the primary benefit of Awardee or such Family Members, (c) a foundation in which Awardee or such Family Members control the management of assets, or (d) a partnership in which Awardee or such Family Members are the majority or controlling partners provided . sin embargo . that subsequent transfers of the transferred CareFusion Options shall be prohibited, except (X) if the transferee is an individual, at the transferee146s death by the transferee by will or pursuant to the laws of descent and distribution, and (Y) without payment of consideration to the individuals or entities listed in subparagraphs II(a), (b) or (c), above, with respect to the original Awardee. The Administrator may, in its discretion, permit transfers to other persons and entities as permitted by the Plan. Neither a transfer under a domestic relations order in settlement of marital property rights nor a transfer to an entity in which more than 50 of the voting interests are owned by Awardee or Family Members in exchange for an interest in that entity shall be considered to be a transfer for consideration. Within ten (10) days of any transfer, Awardee shall notify the Compensation and Benefits department of the Company in writing of the transfer. Following transfer, the CareFusion Options shall continue to be subject to the same terms and conditions as were applicable immediately prior to transfer and, except as otherwise provided in the Plan or these Terms, references to the original Awardee shall be deemed to refer to the transferee. The events of a Termination of Employment of Awardee provided in paragraph 3 hereof shall continue to be applied with respect to the original Awardee, following which the CareFusion Options shall be exercisable by the transferee only to the extent, and for the periods, specified in paragraph 3. The Company shall have no obligation to notify any transferee of Awardee146s Termination of Employment with the Cardinal Group for any reason. The conduct prohibited of Awardee in paragraphs 5 and 6 hereof shall continue to be prohibited of Awardee following transfer to the same extent as immediately prior to transfer and the CareFusion Options (or its economic value, as applicable) shall be subject to forfeiture by the transferee and recoupment from Awardee to the same extent as would have been the case of Awardee had the CareFusion Options not been transferred. Awardee shall remain subject to the recoupment provisions of paragraphs 5 and 6 of these Terms and tax withholding provisions of Section 31 of the Plan following transfer of the CareFusion Options. 3. Termination of Employment . (a) Termination of Employment by Reason of Death or Disability . If a Termination of Employment occurs by reason of death or Disability prior to the vesting in full of the CareFusion Options, but at least six (6) months from the Pre-Spin Grant Date, then any unvested portion of the CareFusion Options shall vest upon and become exercisable in full from and after such Termination of Employment due to death or Disability. The CareFusion Options may thereafter be exercised by Awardee, any transferee of Awardee, if applicable, or by the legal representative of the estate or by the legatee of Awardee under the will of Awardee from the date of such Termination of Employment due to death or Disability until the Grant Expiration Date. (b) Termination of Employment by Reason of Retirement . If a Termination of Employment occurs by reason of Retirement prior to the vesting in full of the CareFusion Options, but at least six (6) months from the Pre-Spin Grant Date, then a Ratable Portion of each installment of the CareFusion Options that would have vested on each future Vesting Date shall immediately vest and become exercisable. Such Ratable Portion shall, with respect to the applicable installment, be an amount equal to such installment of the CareFusion Options scheduled to vest on the applicable Vesting Date multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the number of days from the Pre-Spin Grant Date through the date of such termination, and the denominator of which shall be the number of days from the Pre-Spin Grant Date through such Vesting Date. The CareFusion Options, to the extent vested, may be exercised by Awardee (or any transferee, if applicable) until the Grant Expiration Date. If Awardee dies after Retirement, but before the Grant Expiration Date, the CareFusion Options, to the extent vested, may be exercised by any transferee of the CareFusion Options, if applicable, or by the legal representative of the estate or by the legatee of Awardee under the will of Awardee from and after such death until the Grant Expiration Date. For purposes of these Terms and this Award under the Plan, 147Retirement148 shall refer to Age 55 Retirement, which means Termination of Employment by a Participant (other than by reason of death or Disability and other than in the event of Termination for Cause) from the Cardinal Group (i) after attaining age fifty-five (55), and (ii) having at least ten (10) years of continuous service with Cardinal Health and its Affiliates, including service with an Affiliate of Cardinal Health prior to the time that such Affiliate became an Affiliate of Cardinal Health. For purposes of the age and/or service requirement, the Administrator may, in its discretion, credit a Participant with additional age and/or years of service. (c) Termination of Employment for Certain Awardees Affected by the Spin-Off. If (i) an Awardee146s Termination of Employment occurs within fifteen (15) months after, and as a result of, the Spin-Off, and (ii) Awardee was classified as an executive-level employee in accordance with Cardinal Health146s human resources system as of Awardee146s Termination of Employment or had at least ten (10) years of continuous service with the Cardinal Group, including service with an Affiliate of Cardinal Health prior to the time that such Affiliate became an Affiliate of Cardinal Health, the CareFusion Options, to the extent vested, may be exercised by Awardee (or any transferee, if applicable) until the earlier of the second (2 nd ) anniversary of such Termination of Employment (or any later date until which it would remain exercisable by its terms) or the Grant Expiration Date. (d) Other Termination of Employment . If a Termination of Employment occurs by any reason other than death, Retirement, or Disability (each at least six (6) months from the Pre-Spin Grant Date), any portion of the CareFusion Options which has not vested on such date of Termination of Employment will automatically be forfeited. Subject to paragraph 7 below and subparagraphs 3(a), (b) and (c) above, Awardee (or any transferee, if applicable) will have 90 days from the date of Termination of Employment or until the Grant Expiration Date, whichever period is shorter, to exercise any portion of the CareFusion Options that is vested and exercisable on the date of Termination of Employment provided . sin embargo . that if the Termination of Employment was a Termination for Cause, as determined by the Administrator, the CareFusion Options may be immediately canceled by the Administrator (whether then held by Awardee or any transferee). 4. Restrictions on Exercise . The CareFusion Options are subject to all restrictions in these Terms and/or in the Plan. As a condition of any exercise of the CareFusion Options, the Company may require Awardee or his or her transferee or successor to make any representation and warranty to comply with any Applicable Law or regulation or to confirm any factual matters (including Awardee146s compliance with the terms of paragraphs 5 and 6 of these Terms or any employment or severance agreement between Awardee and any member of the Cardinal Group) reasonably requested by the Company. The CareFusion Options shall not be exercisable if such exercise would involve a violation of any Applicable Law. 5. Triggering Conduct/Competitor Triggering Conduct . (a) As used in these Terms, 147Triggering Conduct148 shall include the following: (i) for so long as Awardee is an employee of the Cardinal Group and for three (3) years following Termination of Employment, regardless of the reason, (A) other than in the performance of duties assigned by the Cardinal Group, disclosing or using in any capacity any confidential information, trade secrets or other business sensitive information or material concerning the Cardinal Group (B) a violation of policies of the Cardinal Group, including, but not limited to, conduct which would constitute a breach of any certificate of compliance or similar attestation/certification signed by Awardee (C) directly or indirectly employing, contacting concerning employment, or participating in any way in the recruitment for employment of (whether as an employee, officer, director, agent, consultant or independent contractor) any person who was or is an employee, representative, officer or director of the Cardinal Group at any time within the 12 months prior to Awardee146s Termination of Employment (D) any action by Awardee and/or his or her representatives that either does or could reasonably be expected to undermine, diminish or otherwise damage the relationship between the Cardinal Group and any of its customers, potential customers, vendors and/or suppliers that were known to Awardee and (E) breaching any provision of any employment or severance agreement with a member of the Cardinal Group and (ii) for three (3) years following the effective time of the Spin-Off, (A) other than in the performance of duties assigned by the Cardinal Group, disclosing or using in any capacity any confidential information, trade secrets or other business sensitive information or material concerning the CareFusion Group (B) other than in the performance of duties assigned by the Cardinal Group, directly or indirectly employing, contacting concerning employment, or participating in any way in the recruitment for employment of (whether as an employee, officer, director, agent, consultant or independent contractor) any person who was or is an employee, representative, officer or director of the CareFusion Group at any time within the 12 months prior to the effective time of the Spin-Off and (C) other than in the performance of duties assigned by the Cardinal Group, any action by Awardee and/or his or her representatives that either does or could reasonably be expected to undermine, diminish or otherwise damage the relationship between the CareFusion Group and any of its customers, potential customers, vendors and/or suppliers that were known to Awardee. For purposes of these Terms, 147CareFusion Group148 means the Company and any Subsidiary or other entity that is directly or indirectly controlled by the Company or any entity in which the Company has a significant ownership interest as determined by the Administrator. (b) As used in these Terms, 147Competitor Triggering Conduct148 shall include: (i) during Awardee146s employment or within one (1) year following Awardee146s Termination of Employment, accepting employment with, or serving as a consultant or advisor or in any other capacity to, an entity that is in competition with the business conducted by any member of the Cardinal Group (a 147Cardinal Competitor148), including, but not limited to, employment or another business relationship with any Cardinal Competitor if Awardee has been introduced to trade secrets, confidential information or business sensitive information during Awardee146s employment with the Cardinal Group and such information would aid the Cardinal Competitor because the threat of disclosure of such information is so great that, for purposes of these Terms, it must be assumed that such disclosure would occur and (ii) within one (1) year following the effective time of the Spin-Off, other than in the performance of duties assigned by the Cardinal Group, accepting employment with, or serving as a consultant or advisor or in any other capacity to, an entity that is in competition with the business conducted by any member of the CareFusion Group (a 147CareFusion Competitor148), including, but not limited to, employment or another business relationship with any CareFusion Competitor if Awardee has been introduced to trade secrets, confidential information or business sensitive information during Awardee146s employment with the businesses that comprised the CareFusion Group prior to the effective time of the Spin-Off and such information would aid the CareFusion Competitor because the threat of disclosure of such information is so great that, for purposes of these Terms, it must be assumed that such disclosure would occur. 6. Special Forfeiture/Repayment Rules . Awardee agrees not to engage in Triggering Conduct during the applicable time periods set forth in paragraph 5 hereof. If Awardee engages in Triggering Conduct or Competitor Triggering Conduct during the applicable time periods set forth in paragraph 5, then: (a) the CareFusion Options (or any part thereof that has not been exercised) shall immediately and automatically terminate, be forfeited, and shall cease to be exercisable at any time and (b) Awardee shall, within thirty (30) days following written notice from the Company, pay the Company an amount equal to the gross option gain realized or obtained by Awardee or any transferee resulting from the exercise of such CareFusion Options, measured at the date of exercise ( i. e. . the difference between the market value of the Shares underlying the CareFusion Options on the exercise date and the exercise price paid for such Shares underlying the CareFusion Options), with respect to any portion of the CareFusion Options that has already been exercised at any time within three (3) years prior to the Triggering Conduct (the 147Look-Back Period148), less 1.00. If Awardee engages only in Competitor Triggering Conduct, then the Look-Back Period shall be shortened to exclude any period more than one (1) year prior to Awardee146s Termination of Employment (or, in the case of Competitor Triggering Conduct as defined in paragraph 5(b)(ii) above, one (1) year prior to the effective time of the Spin-Off), but include any period between the time of Termination of Employment or the effective time of the Spin-Off, as applicable, and engagement in Competitor Triggering Conduct. Awardee may be released from Awardee146s obligations under this paragraph 6 if and only if the Administrator (or its duly appointed designee) and a duly authorized representative of Cardinal Health determine, in writing and in their sole discretion, that such action is in the best interests of both Cardinal Health and the Company. Nothing in this paragraph 6 constitutes a so-called 147noncompete148 covenant. This paragraph 6 does, however, prohibit certain conduct while Awardee is associated with either the Cardinal Group or the CareFusion Group and thereafter and does provide for the forfeiture or repayment of the benefits granted by these Terms under certain circumstances, including, but not limited to, Awardee146s acceptance of employment with a Cardinal Competitor or a CareFusion Competitor. Awardee agrees to provide the Company with at least ten (10) days146 written notice prior to directly or indirectly accepting employment with or serving as a consultant or advisor or in any other capacity to a Cardinal Competitor or a CareFusion Competitor, and further agrees to inform any such new employer, before accepting employment, of the terms of this paragraph 6 and Awardee146s continuing obligations contained herein. No provisions of these Terms shall diminish, negate or otherwise impact any separate noncompete or other agreement to which Awardee may be a party, including, but not limited to, any certificate of compliance or similar attestation/certification signed by Awardee provided . sin embargo . that to the extent that any provisions contained in any other agreement are inconsistent in any manner with the restrictions and covenants of Awardee contained in these Terms, the provisions of these Terms shall take precedence and such other inconsistent provisions shall be null and void. Awardee has acknowledged and agreed that these restrictions are for the benefit of Cardinal Health in consideration of Awardee146s receipt of the Cardinal Health Options, in consideration of employment, in consideration of exposing Awardee to Cardinal Health146s business operations and confidential information, and for other good and valuable consideration, the adequacy of which consideration is hereby expressly confirmed. Awardee has further acknowledged that the receipt of the Cardinal Health Options and the execution of the Cardinal Option Agreement were voluntary actions on the part of Awardee and that Cardinal Health would have been unwilling to provide the Cardinal Health Options to Awardee without including the restrictions and covenants of Awardee set forth above. Further, Awardee and Cardinal Health have agreed and acknowledged that the provisions contained in paragraphs 5 and 6 are ancillary to, or part of, an otherwise enforceable agreement at the time the Cardinal Option Agreement was made. 7. Change of Control . Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, (a) in the event a Change of Control occurs ( i. e. . a Change of Control occurs with respect to the Company), then the provisions of Section 16(b) of the Plan shall not apply and the CareFusion Options shall continue to vest and become exercisable in accordance with the terms set forth herein, and (b) in the event a 147change of control148 (as defined in the Cardinal Health, Inc. 2005 Long-Term Incentive Plan, as amended and restated effective as of November 5, 2008) occurs with respect to Cardinal Health, the following acceleration and exercisability provisions shall apply: (i) On the date that such 147change of control148 occurs, any unvested CareFusion Options shall vest in full. (ii) In the event of an Awardee146s Termination of Employment within two (2) years after a 147change of control148 for any reason other than because of Awardee146s death, Retirement, Disability or Termination for Cause, each CareFusion Option held by Awardee (or a transferee) that is then vested shall, following such Termination of Employment, remain exercisable until the earlier of the third (3rd) anniversary of such Termination of Employment (or any later date until which it would remain exercisable by its terms) or the expiration of its original term. 8. Right of Set-Off . By having accepted the Cardinal Health Options, Awardee has agreed that, so long as the amounts are not treated as 147non-qualified deferred compensation148 under Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, (a) any amounts Awardee owes from time to time to any member of the Cardinal Group with respect to the CareFusion Options may be deducted from, and set-off against, any amounts owed to Awardee by any member of the Cardinal Group from time to time (including, but not limited to, amounts owed to Awardee as wages, severance payments or other fringe benefits) and (b) any amounts Awardee owes from time to time to any member of the CareFusion Group with respect to the CareFusion Options may be deducted from, and set-off against, any amounts owed to Awardee by any member of the CareFusion Group from time to time (including, but not limited to, amounts owed to Awardee as wages, severance payments or other fringe benefits). 9. Withholding Tax . (a) Generally . Awardee is liable and responsible for all taxes owed in connection with the exercise of the CareFusion Options, regardless of any action the Company or Cardinal Health take with respect to any tax withholding obligations that arise in connection with the CareFusion Options. Neither the Company nor Cardinal Health makes any representation or undertaking regarding the tax treatment or the treatment of any tax withholding in connection with the exercise of the CareFusion Options. The Company does not commit and is under no obligation to structure the CareFusion Options or the exercise of the CareFusion Options to reduce or eliminate Awardee146s tax liability. (b) Payment of Withholding Taxes . Concurrently with the payment of the exercise price pursuant to paragraph 1 hereof, Awardee is required to arrange for the satisfaction of the minimum amount of any domestic or foreign tax withholding obligation, whether national, federal, state or local, including any employment tax obligation (the 147Tax Withholding Obligation148) in a manner acceptable to both Cardinal Health and the Company. Any manner provided for in subparagraph 1(b) hereof shall be deemed an acceptable manner to satisfy the Tax Withholding Obligation unless otherwise determined by the Company. 10. Governing Law/Venue for Dispute Resolution/Costs and Legal Fees . The CareFusion Options are governed by the laws of the State of Ohio, without regard to principles of conflicts of law, except to the extent superseded by the laws of the United States of America. Awardee has agreed that the laws of the State of Ohio bear a substantial relationship to the Cardinal Health Options and that the benefits granted therein, and thus the CareFusion Options and the benefits granted thereunder, would not be granted without their governance by the laws of the State of Ohio. In addition, all legal actions or proceedings relevant to the CareFusion Options will be brought exclusively in state or federal courts located in Franklin County, Ohio, and Awardee has consented to the personal jurisdiction of such courts. Awardee has acknowledged that the terms relating to Triggering Conduct, Competitor Triggering Conduct and special forfeiture and repayment rules set forth above are reasonable in nature, are fundamental for the protection of legitimate business and proprietary interests, and do not adversely affect Awardee146s ability to earn a living in any capacity that does not violate such terms. In the event of any violation by Awardee of any such covenants, immediate and irreparable injury for which there is no adequate remedy at law will result. In the event of any violation or attempted violations of these restrictions and covenants, the Cardinal Group or the CareFusion Group, as the case may be, will be entitled to specific performance and injunctive relief or other equitable relief, including the issuance ex parte of a temporary restraining order, without any showing of irreparable harm or damage, such irreparable harm being acknowledged and admitted by Awardee, waiving any requirement for the securing or posting of any bond in connection with such remedy, without prejudice to any other rights and remedies afforded the Cardinal Group or CareFusion Group, as the case may be, hereunder or by law. In the event that it becomes necessary for the Cardinal Group or CareFusion Group to institute legal proceedings under Awardee146s CareFusion Options, Awardee will be responsible for all costs and reasonable legal fees with regard to such proceedings. Any term relating to the CareFusion Options which is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable should be construed or limited in a manner that is valid and enforceable and that comes closest to the business objectives intended by such term, without invalidating or rendering unenforceable the remaining terms. 11. Action by the Administrator . The interpretation of these Terms shall rest exclusively and completely within the sole discretion of the Administrator. Awardee shall be bound by the decisions of the Administrator with regard to the interpretation of these Terms and with regard to any and all matters set forth in these Terms. The Administrator may delegate its functions under these Terms to an officer of the CareFusion Group designated by the Administrator (hereinafter the 147designee148). In fulfilling its responsibilities hereunder, the Administrator or its designee may rely upon documents, written statements of the parties or such other material as the Administrator or its designee deems appropriate. Awardee shall not have any right to be heard or to appear before the Administrator or its designee and any decision of the Administrator or its designee relating to these Terms, including without limitation whether particular conduct constitutes Triggering Conduct or Competitor Triggering Conduct, shall be final and binding unless such decision is arbitrary and capricious. 12. Electronic Delivery and Consent to Electronic Participation . The Company may, in its sole discretion, decide to deliver any documents related to the CareFusion Options or future options that may be granted under the Plan by electronic means. Awardee has consented to receive such documents by electronic delivery and to participate in the Plan through an on-line or electronic system established and maintained by the Company or another third party designated by the Company, including the acceptance of option grants and the execution of option agreements through electronic signature. 13. Notices . All notices, requests, consents and other communications by Awardee to the Company with respect to the CareFusion Options are to be delivered to the Company in writing and will be deemed sufficient if delivered by hand, facsimile, nationally recognized overnight courier, or certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, and will be effective upon delivery to the Company at the address set forth below: 3750 Torrey View Court San Diego, CA 92130 Attention: Compensation and Benefits Administrator All notices, requests consents and other communications by the Company to Awardee with respect to the CareFusion Options to be delivered to Awardee may be delivered by e-mail or in writing and will be deemed sufficient if delivered by e-mail, hand, facsimile, nationally recognized overnight courier, or certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, and will be effective upon delivery to Awardee. 14. Employment Agreement, Offer Letter or Other Arrangement . To the extent a written employment agreement, offer letter or other arrangement (147Employment Arrangement148) that, (a) prior to the effective time of the Spin-Off, (i) was approved by the Human Resources and Compensation Committee of Cardinal Health or the Board of Directors of Cardinal Health or (ii) was approved in writing by an officer of Cardinal Health pursuant to delegated authority of the Human Resources and Compensation Committee of Cardinal Health or (b)(i) was approved by the Human Resources and Compensation Committee of the Company or the Board or (ii) was approved in writing by an officer of the Company pursuant to delegated authority of the Human Resources and Compensation Committee of the Company, provides for greater benefits to Awardee, with respect to (A) vesting of all or a portion of the Cardinal Health Options or CareFusion Options on Termination of Employment by reason of specified events or (B) exercisability of the Cardinal Health Options or CareFusion Options following Termination of Employment, than provided in these Terms or in the Plan, then the terms of such Employment Arrangement with respect to vesting or exercisability of the Cardinal Health Options or CareFusion Options following Termination of Employment shall supersede the terms hereof in respect of all or a comparable portion of the CareFusion Options to the extent permitted by the terms of the Plan. If an employment agreement that was approved by the Board of Directors of Cardinal Health sets forth rules regarding the application of restrictive covenants set forth in the Cardinal Health Option Agreement, then such rules also apply to restrictive covenants set forth in these Terms. EX-10.3 3 dex103.htm TERM SHEET FOR ADJUSTMENTS TO CAH RSUS AND TERMS OF CFN RSUS Term Sheet for Adjustments to CAH RSUs and Terms of CFN RSUs With respect to each outstanding Cardinal Health RSU that is not a Pre-2007 Cardinal RSU (each, a 147 Post-2007 Cardinal RSU 148), the number of shares subject to such RSU is being adjusted (each, an 147 Adjusted Post-2007 Cardinal RSU 148). Pre-2007 Cardinal RSUs and Adjusted Post-2007 Cardinal RSUs Except for the adjusted number of shares subject to each Post-2007 Cardinal RSU, your Pre-2007 Cardinal RSU and Adjusted Post-2007 Cardinal RSU will continue to be governed by (i) your Cardinal Health RSU Agreements, as amended (including the provisions in the agreements relating to 147Triggering Conduct/Competitor Triggering Conduct148 and 147Special Forfeiture/Repayment Rules148) and (ii) the Cardinal LTIP. Therefore, among other terms, the extent to which each Pre-2007 Cardinal RSU and Adjusted Post-2007 Cardinal RSU will vest on and after specific dates will be the same as those set forth in your Cardinal Health RSU Agreements. The adjusted number of shares subject to each Adjusted Post-2007 Cardinal RSU can be found on the website of Cardinal Health146s third-party equity plan administrator. Please note that CareFusion Corporation (147 CareFusion 148) and its affiliates are third party beneficiaries of all rights that benefit CareFusion with respect to your Adjusted Pre-2007 Cardinal RSUs and Adjusted Post-2007 Cardinal RSUs and as a result CareFusion may enforce with full force and effect all terms and conditions that benefit CareFusion with respect to such RSUs. Your CareFusion RSUs are granted under, and subject to, the terms and conditions of the CareFusion Corporation 2009 Long-Term Incentive Plan. They are also subject to the terms of the Cardinal Health RSU Agreement for the corresponding Pre-2007 Cardinal RSU (including paragraphs 3 and 4 of the agreement regarding 147Triggering Conduct/Competitor Triggering Conduct148 and 147Special Forfeiture/Repayment Rules148) and the Cardinal LTIP, which have been adjusted and restated on Appendix A attached hereto for purposes of applying them to your CareFusion RSUs and have been approved by the Human Resources and Compensation Committees of Cardinal Health and CareFusion. Please note that Cardinal Health and its affiliates are third party beneficiaries of all rights that benefit Cardinal Health with respect to your CareFusion RSUs and as a result Cardinal Health may enforce with full force and effect all terms and conditions that benefit Cardinal Health with respect to such RSUs. RESTRICTED SHARE UNITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS These Restricted Share Units Terms and Conditions (the 147Terms148) adjust and restate the terms that apply to the Cardinal Health RSUs (as defined below) for purposes of applying such terms to the restricted share units (the 147CareFusion RSUs148) granted to Awardee by CareFusion Corporation (the 147Company148) under the CareFusion Corporation 2009 Long-Term Incentive Plan (the 147Plan148) as a result of the separation of the clinical and medical products businesses of Cardinal Health, Inc. (147Cardinal Health148) by means of a spin-off of at least 80.1 of the outstanding common stock of the Company to Cardinal Health146s shareholders, effective on August 31, 2009 (the 147Spin-Off148). These Terms, together with the RSU Terms (as defined below) and the Plan, shall govern the CareFusion RSUs. The CareFusion RSUs are Replacement Awards under the Plan. The 147Number of Shares148 that are covered by the CareFusion RSUs constitute the RSU terms (the 147RSU Terms148) and can be found on the website of the Company146s third-party equity plan administrator. The extent to which the CareFusion RSUs shall vest on and after specific dates (the 147Vesting Date(s)148), subject in each case to the provisions of these Terms, including those relating to Awardee146s continued employment with Cardinal Health and its Affiliates (collectively, the 147Cardinal Group148), is the same as set forth in Awardee146s award agreement (the 147Cardinal Health RSU Agreement148) for the restricted share units granted to Awardee by Cardinal Health or one of its Affiliates (the 147Cardinal Health RSUs148) on the grant date specified in the Cardinal Health RSU Agreement (the 147Pre-Spin Grant Date148). Capitalized terms used in these Terms which are not specifically defined herein will have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the Plan. 1. Transferability . The CareFusion RSUs shall not be transferable. 2. Termination of Employment . (a) General . Except as set forth below, if a Termination of Employment occurs prior to the vesting of the CareFusion RSUs, such CareFusion RSUs shall be forfeited by Awardee. (b) Death and Disability . If a Termination of Employment occurs prior to the vesting in full of the CareFusion RSUs by reason of Awardee146s death or Disability, but at least six (6) months from the Pre-Spin Grant Date, then any unvested CareFusion RSUs shall immediately vest in full and shall not be forfeited. (c) Retirement . If a Termination of Employment occurs prior to the vesting in full of the CareFusion RSUs by reason of Awardee146s Retirement, but at least six (6) months from the Pre-Spin Grant Date, then a Ratable Portion of each installment of the CareFusion RSUs that would have vested on each future Vesting Date shall immediately vest and not be forfeited. Such Ratable Portion shall, with respect to the applicable installment, be an amount equal to such installment of the CareFusion RSUs scheduled to vest on the applicable Vesting Date multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the number of days from the Pre-Spin Grant Date through the date of such termination, and the denominator of which shall be the number of days from the Pre-Spin Grant Date through such Vesting Date. For purposes of these Terms and this Award under the Plan, 147Retirement148 shall refer to Age 55 Retirement, which means Termination of Employment by a Participant (other than by reason of death or Disability and other than in the event of Termination for Cause) from the Cardinal Group (i) after attaining age fifty-five (55), and (ii) having at least ten (10) years of continuous service with the Cardinal Group, including service with an Affiliate of Cardinal Health prior to the time that such Affiliate became an Affiliate of Cardinal Health. For purposes of the age and/or service requirement, the Administrator may, in its discretion, credit a Participant with additional age and/or years of service. 3. Triggering Conduct/Competitor Triggering Conduct . (a) As used in these Terms, 147Triggering Conduct148 shall include the following: (i) for so long as Awardee is an employee of the Cardinal Group and for three (3) years following Termination of Employment, regardless of the reason, (A) other than in the performance of duties assigned by the Cardinal Group, disclosing or using in any capacity any confidential information, trade secrets or other business sensitive information or material concerning the Cardinal Group (B) a violation of policies of the Cardinal Group, including, but not limited to, conduct which would constitute a breach of any certificate of compliance or similar attestation/certification signed by Awardee (C) directly or indirectly employing, contacting concerning employment, or participating in any way in the recruitment for employment of (whether as an employee, officer, director, agent, consultant or independent contractor) any person who was or is an employee, representative, officer or director of the Cardinal Group at any time within the 12 months prior to Awardee146s Termination of Employment (D) any action by Awardee and/or his or her representatives that either does or could reasonably be expected to undermine, diminish or otherwise damage the relationship between the Cardinal Group and any of its customers, potential customers, vendors and/or suppliers that were known to Awardee and (E) breaching any provision of any employment or severance agreement with a member of the Cardinal Group and (ii) for three (3) years following the effective time of the Spin-Off, (A) other than in the performance of duties assigned by the Cardinal Group, disclosing or using in any capacity any confidential information, trade secrets or other business sensitive information or material concerning the CareFusion Group (B) other than in the performance of duties assigned by the Cardinal Group, directly or indirectly employing, contacting concerning employment, or participating in any way in the recruitment for employment of (whether as an employee, officer, director, agent, consultant or independent contractor) any person who was or is an employee, representative, officer or director of the CareFusion Group at any time within the 12 months prior to the effective time of the Spin-Off and (C) other than in the performance of duties assigned by the Cardinal Group, any action by Awardee and/or his or her representatives that either does or could reasonably be expected to undermine, diminish or otherwise damage the relationship between the CareFusion Group and any of its customers, potential customers, vendors and/or suppliers that were known to Awardee. For purposes of these Terms, 147CareFusion Group148 means the Company and any Subsidiary or other entity that is directly or indirectly controlled by the Company or any entity in which the Company has a significant ownership interest as determined by the Administrator. (b) As used in these Terms, 147Competitor Triggering Conduct148 shall include: (i) during Awardee146s employment or within one (1) year following Awardee146s Termination of Employment, accepting employment with, or serving as a consultant or advisor or in any other capacity to, an entity that is in competition with the business conducted by any member of the Cardinal Group (a 147Cardinal Competitor148), including, but not limited to, employment or another business relationship with any Cardinal Competitor if Awardee has been introduced to trade secrets, confidential information or business sensitive information during Awardee146s employment with the Cardinal Group and such information would aid the Cardinal Competitor because the threat of disclosure of such information is so great that, for purposes of these Terms, it must be assumed that such disclosure would occur and (ii) within one (1) year following the effective time of the Spin-Off, other than in the performance of duties assigned by the Cardinal Group, accepting employment with, or serving as a consultant or advisor or in any other capacity to, an entity that is in competition with the business conducted by any member of the CareFusion Group (a 147CareFusion Competitor148), including, but not limited to, employment or another business relationship with any CareFusion Competitor if Awardee has been introduced to trade secrets, confidential information or business sensitive information during Awardee146s employment with the businesses that comprised the CareFusion Group prior to the effective time of the Spin-Off and such information would aid the CareFusion Competitor because the threat of disclosure of such information is so great that, for purposes of these Terms, it must be assumed that such disclosure would occur. 4. Special Forfeiture/Repayment Rules . Awardee agrees not to engage in Triggering Conduct during the applicable time periods set forth in paragraph 3 hereof. If Awardee engages in Triggering Conduct or Competitor Triggering Conduct during the applicable time periods set forth in paragraph 3, then: (a) the CareFusion RSUs that have not yet vested or that vested within the Look-Back Period (as defined below) with respect to such Triggering Conduct or Competitor Triggering Conduct and have not yet been settled by a payment pursuant to paragraph 6 hereof shall immediately and automatically terminate, be forfeited, and shall cease to exist and (b) Awardee shall, within thirty (30) days following written notice from the Company, pay to the Company an amount equal to (i) the aggregate gross gain realized or obtained by Awardee resulting from the settlement of all CareFusion RSUs pursuant to paragraph 6 hereof measured as of the settlement date ( i. e . . the market value of the CareFusion RSUs on such settlement date), that have already been settled and that had vested at any time within three (3) years prior to the Triggering Conduct (the 147Look-Back Period148), minus (ii) 1.00. If Awardee engages only in Competitor Triggering Conduct, then the Look-Back Period shall be shortened to exclude any period more than one (1) year prior to Awardee146s Termination of Employment (or, in the case of Competitor Triggering Conduct as defined in paragraph 3(b)(ii), one (1) year prior to the effective time of the Spin-Off), but include any period between the time of Termination of Employment or the effective time of the Spin-Off, as applicable, and the time of engagement in Competitor Triggering Conduct. Awardee may be released from Awardee146s obligations under this paragraph 4 if and only if the Administrator (or its duly appointed designee) and a duly authorized representative of Cardinal Health determine, in writing and in their sole discretion, that such action is in the best interests of both Cardinal Health and the Company. Nothing in this paragraph 4 constitutes a so-called 147noncompete148 covenant. This paragraph 4 does, however, prohibit certain conduct while Awardee is associated with either the Cardinal Group or the CareFusion Group and thereafter and does provide for the forfeiture or repayment of the benefits granted by these Terms under certain circumstances, including, but not limited to, Awardee146s acceptance of employment with a Cardinal Competitor or a CareFusion Competitor. Awardee agrees to provide the Company with at least ten (10) days146 written notice prior to directly or indirectly accepting employment with or serving as a consultant or advisor or in any other capacity to a Cardinal Competitor or a CareFusion Competitor, and further agrees to inform any such new employer, before accepting employment, of the terms of this paragraph 4 and Awardee146s continuing obligations contained herein. No provisions of these Terms shall diminish, negate or otherwise impact any separate noncompete or other agreement to which Awardee may be a party, including, but not limited to, any certificate of compliance or similar attestation/certification signed by Awardee provided . sin embargo . that to the extent that any provisions contained in any other agreement are inconsistent in any manner with the restrictions and covenants of Awardee contained in these Terms, the provisions of these Terms shall take precedence and such other inconsistent provisions shall be null and void. Awardee has acknowledged and agreed that these restrictions are for the benefit of Cardinal Health in consideration of Awardee146s receipt of the Cardinal Health RSUs, in consideration of employment, in consideration of exposing Awardee to Cardinal Health146s business operations and confidential information, and for other good and valuable consideration, the adequacy of which consideration is hereby expressly confirmed. Awardee has further acknowledged that the receipt of the Cardinal Health RSUs and the execution of the Cardinal Health RSU Agreements were voluntary actions on the part of Awardee and that Cardinal Health would have been unwilling to provide the Cardinal Health RSUs to Awardee without including the restrictions and covenants of Awardee set forth above. Further, Awardee and Cardinal Health have agreed and acknowledged that the provisions contained in paragraphs 3 and 4 are ancillary to, or part of, an otherwise enforceable agreement at the time the Cardinal Health RSU Agreements were made. 5. Change of Control . Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, (a) in the event a Change of Control occurs ( i. e. . a Change of Control occurs with respect to the Company), then the provisions of Section 16(b) of the Plan shall not apply and the CareFusion RSUs shall continue to vest in accordance with the terms set forth herein and (b) in the event a 147change of control148 (as defined in the Cardinal Health, Inc. 2005 Long-Term Incentive Plan, as amended and restated effective as of November 5, 2008) occurs with respect to Cardinal Health, on the date that such 147change of control148 occurs, the restrictions applicable to any unvested CareFusion RSUs shall lapse and the Award shall be fully vested. 6. Payment . Awardee will be entitled to receive from the Company (without any payment on Awardee146s behalf other than as described in Paragraph 10) the Shares represented by such CareFusion RSUs at the same time as Awardee is or would have been entitled to receive Cardinal Health common shares represented by the Cardinal Health RSUs. 7. Dividend Equivalents . Awardee shall not receive cash dividends on the CareFusion RSUs, but instead shall, with respect to each CareFusion RSU, receive a cash payment from the Company on each cash dividend payment date with respect to the Shares with a record date between the effective time of the Spin-Off and the settlement of such unit pursuant to paragraph 6, with such cash payment to be in an amount equal to the dividend that would have been paid on the Common Share represented by such unit. Cash payments on each cash dividend payment date with respect to the Shares with a record date prior to a Vesting Date shall be accrued until the Vesting Date and paid thereon (subject to the same vesting requirements as the underlying CareFusion RSUs). In addition, if Awardee was entitled to one or more cash dividend equivalent payments under the Cardinal Health RSUs that had not been paid prior to the effective time of the Spin-Off because the Cardinal Health RSUs had not yet vested, then the Company shall pay such cash payments on the Vesting Date. 8. Right of Set-Off . By having accepted the Cardinal Health RSUs, Awardee has agreed that, so long as the amounts are not treated as 147non-qualified deferred compensation148 under Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, (a) any amounts Awardee owes from time to time to any member of the Cardinal Group with respect to the CareFusion RSUs may be deducted from, and set-off against, any amounts owed to Awardee by any member of the Cardinal Group from time to time (including, but not limited to, amounts owed to Awardee as wages, severance payments or other fringe benefits) and (b) any amounts Awardee owes from time to time to any member of the CareFusion Group with respect to the CareFusion RSUs may be deducted from, and set-off against, any amounts owed to Awardee by any member of the CareFusion Group from time to time (including, but not limited to, amounts owed to Awardee as wages, severance payments or other fringe benefits). 9. No Stockholder Rights . Awardee shall have no rights of a stockholder with respect to the CareFusion RSUs, including, without limitation, the right to vote the Shares represented by the CareFusion RSUs. 10. Withholding Tax . (a) Generally . Awardee is liable and responsible for all taxes owed in connection with the CareFusion RSUs (including taxes owed with respect to the cash payments described in paragraph 7 hereof), regardless of any action the Company or Cardinal Health takes with respect to any tax withholding obligations that arise in connection with the CareFusion RSUs. Neither the Company nor Cardinal Health makes any representation or undertaking regarding the tax treatment or the treatment of any tax withholding in connection with the grant or vesting of the CareFusion RSUs or the subsequent sale of Shares issuable pursuant to the CareFusion RSUs. The Company does not commit and is under no obligation to structure the CareFusion RSUs to reduce or eliminate Awardee146s tax liability. (b) Payment of Withholding Taxes . Prior to any event in connection with the CareFusion RSUs ( e. g. . vesting or settlement) that the Company or Cardinal Health determines may result in any domestic or foreign tax withholding obligation, whether national, federal, state or local, including any employment tax obligation (the 147Tax Withholding Obligation148), Awardee is required to arrange for the satisfaction of the minimum amount of such Tax Withholding Obligations in a manner acceptable to the Company and Cardinal Health. Unless Awardee elects to satisfy the Tax Withholding Obligation by an alternative means that is then permitted by the Company, by accepting the grant of Cardinal Health RSUs, Awardee has authorized the Company to withhold on Awardee146s behalf the number of Shares from those Shares issuable pursuant to Awardee at the time when the CareFusion RSUs become vested and payable as the Company determines to be sufficient to satisfy the Tax Withholding Obligation. In the case of any amounts withheld for taxes pursuant to this provision in the form of Shares, the amount withheld shall not exceed the minimum required by Applicable Law and regulations. The Company shall have the right to deduct from all cash payments paid pursuant to paragraph 7 hereof the amount of any taxes which the Company is required to withhold with respect to such payments. 11. Governing Law/Venue for Dispute Resolution/Costs and Legal Fees . The CareFusion RSUs are governed by the laws of the State of Ohio, without regard to principles of conflicts of law, except to the extent superseded by the laws of the United States of America. Awardee has agreed that the laws of the State of Ohio bear a substantial relationship to the Cardinal Health RSUs and that the benefits granted therein, and thus the CareFusion RSUs and the benefits granted thereunder, would not be granted without their governance by the laws of the State of Ohio. In addition, all legal actions or proceedings relevant to the CareFusion RSUs will be brought exclusively in state or federal courts located in Franklin County, Ohio, and Awardee has consented to the personal jurisdiction of such courts. Awardee has acknowledged that the terms relating to Triggering Conduct, Competitor Triggering Conduct and special forfeiture and repayment rules set forth above are reasonable in nature, are fundamental for the protection of legitimate business and proprietary interests, and do not adversely affect Awardee146s ability to earn a living in any capacity that does not violate such terms. In the event of any violation by Awardee of any such covenants, immediate and irreparable injury for which there is no adequate remedy at law will result. In the event of any violation or attempted violations of these restrictions and covenants, the Cardinal Group or the CareFusion Group, as the case may be, will be entitled to specific performance and injunctive relief or other equitable relief, including the issuance ex parte of a temporary restraining order, without any showing of irreparable harm or damage, such irreparable harm being acknowledged and admitted by Awardee, waiving any requirement for the securing or posting of any bond in connection with such remedy, without prejudice to any other rights and remedies afforded the Cardinal Group or CareFusion Group, as the case may be, hereunder or by law. In the event that it becomes necessary for the Cardinal Group or CareFusion Group to institute legal proceedings under Awardee146s CareFusion RSUs, Awardee will be responsible for all costs and reasonable legal fees with regard to such proceedings. Any term relating to the CareFusion RSUs which is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable should be construed or limited in a manner that is valid and enforceable and that comes closest to the business objectives intended by such term, without invalidating or rendering unenforceable the remaining terms. 12. Action by the Administrator . The interpretation of these Terms shall rest exclusively and completely within the sole discretion of the Administrator. Awardee shall be bound by the decisions of the Administrator with regard to the interpretation of these Terms and with regard to any and all matters set forth in these Terms. The Administrator may delegate its functions under these Terms to an officer of the CareFusion Group designated by the Administrator (hereinafter the 147designee148). In fulfilling its responsibilities hereunder, the Administrator or its designee may rely upon documents, written statements of the parties or such other material as the Administrator or its designee deems appropriate. Awardee shall not have any right to be heard or to appear before the Administrator or its designee and any decision of the Administrator or its designee relating to these Terms, including without limitation whether particular conduct constitutes Triggering Conduct or Competitor Triggering Conduct, shall be final and binding unless such decision is arbitrary and capricious. 13. Electronic Delivery and Consent to Electronic Participation . The Company may, in its sole discretion, decide to deliver any documents related to the CareFusion RSUs or future RSUs that may be granted under the Plan by electronic means. Awardee has consented to receive such documents by electronic delivery and to participate in the Plan through an on-line or electronic system established and maintained by the Company or another third party designated by the Company, including the acceptance of RSU grants and the execution of RSU agreements through electronic signature. 14. Notices . All notices, requests, consents and other communications by Awardee to the Company with respect to the CareFusion RSUs are to be delivered to the Company in writing and will be deemed sufficient if delivered by hand, facsimile, nationally recognized overnight courier, or certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, and will be effective upon delivery to the Company at the address set forth below: 3750 Torrey View Court San Diego, CA 92130 Attention: Compensation and Benefits Administrator All notices, requests consents and other communications by the Company to Awardee with respect to the CareFusion RSUs to be delivered to Awardee may be delivered by e-mail or in writing and will be deemed sufficient if delivered by e-mail, hand, facsimile, nationally recognized overnight courier, or certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, and will be effective upon delivery to Awardee. 15. Employment Agreement, Offer Letter or Other Arrangement . To the extent a written employment agreement, offer letter or other arrangement (147Employment Arrangement148) that, (a) prior to the effective time of the Spin-Off, (i) was approved by the Human Resources and Compensation Committee of Cardinal Health or the Board of Directors of Cardinal Health or (ii) was approved in writing by an officer of Cardinal Health pursuant to delegated authority of the Human Resources and Compensation Committee of Cardinal Health or (b)(i) was approved by the Human Resources and Compensation Committee of the Company or the Board or (ii) was approved in writing by an officer of the Company pursuant to delegated authority of the Human Resources and Compensation Committee of the Company, provides for greater benefits to Awardee, with respect to vesting of all or a portion of the Cardinal Health RSUs or CareFusion RSUs on Termination of Employment by reason of specified events, than provided in these Terms or in the Plan, then the terms of such Employment Arrangement with respect to vesting of the Cardinal Health RSUs or CareFusion RSUs on Termination of Employment by reason of such specified events shall supersede the terms hereof in respect of all or a comparable portion of the CareFusion RSUs to the extent permitted by the terms of the Plan. If an employment agreement that was approved by the Board of Directors of Cardinal Health sets forth rules regarding the application of restrictive covenants set forth in the Cardinal Health RSU Agreement, then such rules also apply to restrictive covenants set forth in these Terms. EX-99.1 4 dex991.htm NEWS RELEASE ISSUED BY CAH News Release issued by CAH 7000 Cardinal Place Dublin, OH 43017 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CARDINAL HEALTH COMPLETES SPINOFF OF CAREFUSION CORP. DUBLIN, Ohio, Sept. 1, 2009 151 Cardinal Health today announced it has completed the spinoff of CareFusion Corp. (NYSE: CFN) through a pro rata distribution of approximately 81 percent of the shares of CareFusion common stock, effectively launching it as an independent, publicly traded company. After the close of business yesterday, Cardinal Health distributed 0.5 share of CareFusion common stock for each outstanding share of Cardinal Health common stock held as of market close on Aug. 25, the record date for the distribution. Approximately 222 million shares of CareFusion common stock were outstanding as of the distribution, including certain equity awards issued in the spinoff. Approximately 180 million shares were distributed to Cardinal Health shareholders of record as of Aug. 25, and approximately 41 million shares were retained by Cardinal Health, which it will divest within five years. CareFusion common stock will begin regular way trading today on the New York Stock Exchange under ticker symbol 147CFN.148 Additionally, the appointment of George S. Barrett as chairman and chief executive officer of Cardinal Health became effective upon completion of the spinoff on Aug. 31. The resignations of Philip Francis, Michael Losh and Michael O146Halleran from the Cardinal Health board of directors were also effective upon completion of the spinoff, with all three transitioning to the board of directors of CareFusion in connection with the spinoff. As previously announced, the new Cardinal Health board will consist of 10 members, including two new directors, Bruce L. Downey, effective yesterday and Glenn A. Britt, effective Oct. 1. 147The completion of the CareFusion spinoff marks a new day for Cardinal Health,148 Barrett said. 147We are focused on our role in helping make health care more cost-effective and our commitment to improving shareholder value.148 Cardinal Health is expected to benefit from enhanced management focus and sharper strategic vision, as well as improved opportunities to make investments in growth areas. In addition, the spinoff is expected to improve the alignment of management and employee incentives with performance and growth objectives at the company. The completion of the spinoff also allows Cardinal Health to adopt the capital structure, investment policy and dividend policy best suited to the financial profile and needs of the business. Cardinal Health News About Cardinal Health Headquartered in Dublin, Ohio, Cardinal Health, Inc. (NYSE: CAH) is a Fortune 18 health care services company that improves the cost-effectiveness of health care. As the business behind health care, Cardinal Health helps pharmacies, hospitals and ambulatory care sites focus on patient care while reducing costs, improving efficiency and quality, and increasing profitability. As one of the largest health care companies in the world, Cardinal Health is an essential link in the health care supply chain, providing pharmaceuticals and medical products to more than 40,000 locations each day. The company is also a leading manufacturer of medical and surgical products, including gloves, surgical apparel and fluid management products. In addition, the company supports the growing diagnostic industry by supplying medical products to clinical laboratories and operating the nation146s largest network of radiopharmacies that dispense products to aid in the early diagnosis and treatment of disease. Cardinal Health employs more than 30,000 people worldwide. More information about the company may be found at cardinalhealthcardinalhealth . Cautions Concerning Forward-Looking Statements This news release contains forward-looking statements addressing matters that are dependent upon future events or developments. These matters are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected, anticipated or implied. In addition, Cardinal Health and CareFusion are subject to risks and uncertainties described in CareFusion Corporation146s Form 10 registration statement and Cardinal Health146s Form 10-K, Form 10-Q and Form 8-K reports (including all amendments to those reports) and exhibits to those reports. This news release reflects management146s views as of September 1, 2009. Except to the extent required by applicable law, Cardinal Health and CareFusion undertake no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement.

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